Welcome to Official Website of THE GREEN FOUNDATION
The Green Foundation, Head Quartered at Kwakeithel Thiyam Leikai, Imphal is a social enterprise (Non-profit organization) dedicated exclusively for the welfare and support for the needful poor farmers in Manipur, one of the state in the North-East India. Established in the odd dated day of May 1st, 1992, the Foundation has become a pioneer in the State for expounding and imparting complimentary technical knowledge by carrying out practical demonstration in the fields with the help of our experienced professionals and volunteers explaining about the usefulness and efficacy of ORGANIC FARMING to more than 6500 registered farmers. READ MORE
Do not stay on the sidelines, help us, please contact us!

Your help lead to a wide cultivation and production of organic foods

Ahongshangbam Marjit Khuman
Volunteer from Keinou, Bishnupur District
Working as trainer and facilitator for the farmers in villages. Also helps in expanding SRI methods in farming and other several field activities.

Takhellambam Pulen Mangang
Pulen Mangang from Keinou, Bishnupur District
Serves as demonstrator of SRI methods & other several field activities of organic farming. He works with heart and soul for the upliftment of the farmers.

Toijam Nandababu
Volunteer from Khurai Kongpal, Imphal East
Serving as a resource person in various training and awareness campaign on Organic Farming. Also serves as trainer for demonstrator of soil management and preparation of various organic inputs.